
"Teaching Java™ Technology" Presented at JavaOne 2001

"A Problem Solving Approach to the History of Mathematics" presented at the MAA annual meeting, 1-7-04 (PDF) See also Problems from "History Of Mathematics" by Arthur Gittleman

A Programming Languages Course at Web Speed published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Frontiers of Education in Computer Science, 2006

A Games Class Using XNA Games Studio Express presented at the International Conference on the Frontiers of Education in Computer Science, 2007.

Game Programming Projects presented at the International Conference on the Frontiers of Education in Computer Science, Las Vegas, NV, July 15, 2008.

Multicore Computing Using Erlang presented at the Frontiers of Education in Computer Science, Las Vegas, NV., July, 2009.

Introduction to Apps Development for the iPhone and Android OS to be presented to the IEEE Orange County Computer Society, Feb, 28, 2011.