Errata for Internet Applications using the Java 2 Platform
Copyright 2001, Art Gittleman

p. v
Change the page for Chapter 8 from 317 to 313

p. vi
Change the page for Chapter 11 from 419 to 421

p. viii LIne 6
Change "Vitual"
To "Virtual"

p. x Line 10 from the bottom
Change "covered"
To "covered."

p. x Line 7 from bottom
Change "covers the"
To "covers"

p. 4 Line 23
Change "getAndSetValue"
To "getSquare"

p. 5 Lines 9-10
Change "getAndSetValue"
To "getSquare"

p. 5 Line 24
Change "getSquare()"
To "getSquare(int index)"

p. 20 Problem 7
Change "Example 9"
To "Example 1.9"

p. 29 Figure 1.5
Change the lower "Thread 1"
To "Thread 2"

p. 32 Figure 1.6
Move the times 1 2 3 4 5 under the vertical bars in the Bonnie display.

p. 38 Line 5 from bottom
Change "17"
To "1.18"

p. 42 Note 1
Change "InterrupedException"
To "InterruptedException"

p. 45 Figure 1.10
Change "1-22"
To "1.22"

p. 47 Line 1
Change "22"
To "1.23"

p. 48 Line 5 from bottom
Change "1-25"
To "1.25"

p. 59 Line 16 from bottom
Change "out"
To "output"

p. 62 Line 15
Change "Clandar"
To "Calendar"

p. 82 Line 5 from bottom
Change "0.1/PPT"
To "0.1/PTT"

p. 83 Line 11
Change "InternetExplorer"
To "Internet Explorer"

p. 86 Line 6
Change "80/"
To "80 /"

p. 92 Line 8 from bottom
Change "pw"
To "client"

p. 94 Figure 2.12 Change "rmregistry"
To "rmiregistry"

p. 106 Figure 3.1
Change "Customer ID"
To "CustomerID"

p. 108 Line 3
Change "both he"
To "both the"

p. 109 Line 2 from the bottom
Change "Figure 5"
To "Figure 3.5"

p. 110 Line 10 from bottom
Change "statement."
To "statement"

p. 114 Line 17 and p. 116 LIne 8
Change "MyComputer"
To "My Computer"

p. 119 Line 9 from bottom
Change "con"
To "stmt"

p. 121 Lines 9 and 22
Change "SalepersonID"
To "SalespersonID"

p. 130 Line 5 from bottom
Change ""
To "ResultSet rs"

p. 135 Line 5 from the bottom
Change "executeQuery"
To "stmt.executeQuery"

p. 136 Line 15
Change " ?'' "
To " ?" "

p. 141 Line 10 from bottom
Change "statment"
To "statement"

p. 155 Line 10 from the bottom
Change "Saleperson"
To "Salesperson"

p. 155 Line 11 from the bottom
Change "CustomerId and SalepersonID"
To "CustomerID and SalespersonID"

p. 160 Line 13 from the bottom
Change "the the"
To "the"

p. 162 Lines 5 and 7
Change "JRUN_HOME\lib\servlet.jar"
To "JRUN_HOME\lib\ext\servlet.jar"

p. 163 Line 12
Change "if"
To "If"

p. 163 Line 9 from bottom
Change "a"
To ""

p. 167 Line 6
Change "witn"
To "with"

p. 167 Figure 4.5
Change "PostOrGet.html
To "PostOrGetOrder.html"

p. 172 Line 5
Change "\\"
To "//"

p. 172 Figure 4.10 is incorrect. It should be

Corrected Fig 4.10

p. 175 Line 7 from the bottom
Change "The servlet"
To "The LuckyWelcome servlet"

p. 175 Line 7 from bottom
Change "to to"
To "to lucky/welcome to"

p. 176 Line 6 from the bottom
Change "the tag"
To "the tag"

p. 176 Line 5 from the bottom
Change "is to the servlet, which will check for the tag"
To "is custom/lucky to the LuckyTag servlet, which will check for the tag"

p. 181 Omit the bottom line

p. 188 Lines 5 and 13
Change "getOrder"
To "GetOrder"

p. 189 Line 4 from bottom
Change "creatge"
To "create"

p. 189 Line 2 from bottom
Change "expresion"
To "expression"

p. 191 Line 20
Change "<@"
To "<%@"

p. 192 Line 4 from bottom
Change "usebean"
To "useBean"

p. 193 Line 10
Change "13"
To "4.13"

p. 206 Line 15
Change "Metaljavax"
To "Metal javax"

p. 206 Note 1
Change "FeelInfoclass"
To "FeelInfo class"

p. 206 Line 10 from the bottom
Change "be"
To "by"

p. 206 Line 6 from bottom
Change "numbers"
To "number"

p. 206 Line 2 from bottom
Change "createtransparent"
To "create transparent"

p. 213 Line 3 from the bottom
Change "and and"
To "and"

p. 214 Line 8 from the bottom
Change "selected"
To "selections"

p. 230 Line 20
Change "tables headers"
To "table headers"

p. 235 Line 2 from bottom
Change "ask-ing"
To "ask"

p. 241 Note 1
Change "Figure 1"
To "Figure 6.1"

p. 243 Line 20
Change "bottom."
To "bottom,"

p. 265 Note 6 Change "to range"
To "the range"

p. 268 Line 7
Change "Jav2D"
To "Java 2D"

p. 276 Problem 16
Change "use"
To "user"

p. 278 Line 10
Change "Kningdom"
To "Kingdom"

p. 290 Note 3
Change "styles."
To "styles"

p. 300 Figure 7.7
Remove the apostrophe before the caption.

p. 302 Line 11 from bottom
Change "properites"
To "properties"

p. 312 Line 5
Change "handlesd"
To "handled"

p. 325 Line 12
Change "standard"
To "a standard"

p. 327 Line 15
Change "substring10,4)"
To "substring(0,4)"

p. 332 Line 7 from the bottom
Change "orient"
To "to orient"

p. 344 Note 2
Change "change."
To "change"

p. 344 Note 3
Change "various"
To "varies"

p. 345 Note 5
Change "1;"
To "1."

p. 345 Note 7
Change "transform,"
To "transform"

p. 347 Line 13
Omit "BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere();"

p. 348 Line 12 from bottom
Change "playing in"
To "playing it"

p. 357 Figure 9.10 is incorrect. It should be

Corrected Fig 9.10

p. 358 Line 17
Change "ExplictButton"
To "ExplicitButton"

p. 361 Line 14
Change "classesto"
To "classes to"

p. 363 Line 10
Change "BindProperty"
To "Bind property"

p. 366 Line 9
Change "18"
To "9.18"

p. 372 Figure 9.20
Omit the extra "Figure 9.20"

p. 399 Line 10
Change "tarts"
To "Starts"

p. 416 Line 11 from bottom
Change "processAction"
To "performAction"

p. 425 Line 5 from bottom
Change "Gettyburg"
To "Gettysburg"

p. 431 Line 4 from bottom
Change "add"
To "adding"

p. 433 Line 5
Change "end a"
To "end of a "

p. 446 Line 20 from bottom
Change "hashValue"
To "hashCode"

p. 422 Line 6 from bottom
Change "inthashCode"
To "int hashCode"

p. 452 Line 2
Change "operation"
To "operate"

p. 453 Note 8
Change ",fill"
To ","fill"

p. 464 Line 3
Change "name of the permission"
To "path to the file"

p. 466 Figure 12.7
Change "jmf"
To "Jmf"

p. 466 Line 17
Change ""
To ""

p. 466 Tip
Move all but the first line outside the tip

p. 468 Line 12
Change "-signedjar b"
To "-signedjar"

p. 471 Line 7 from bottom
Change "-   32768
To "-32768"

p. 471 Line 6 from bottom
Change "index int,  float, or string"
To "index     int, float, or string"

p. 475 Line 3 from bottom
Remove "16"

p. 480 Line 21
Change "followed be"
To "followed by"

p. 481 Line 1
Change "disasembler"
To "disassembler"

p. 493 Problem 12
Change "12.22"
To "12.23"

p. 494 Line 13
Change "Virutal"
To "Virtual"

p. 498 Line 6 from the bottom
Change "lower-left"
To "lower-right"

p. 504 Line 22
Change "equestFocus()"
To "requestFocus()"

p. 511
Change "getStateChanged"
To "getStateChange"

p. 512
Change "init, constuctor"
To "init, constructor"

p. 515
Change "store instuctions"
To "store instructions"

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