CECS 524 Multiple cores and machines Use the Beowulf cluster and run the computation of pi from Assignment 2 in two ways. Remember to start two processes on each machine. 1) use rpc:multicall to compute pi on each node with 2N trials on each Average the results from all trials to get the result. Use time:tc to time this approach. Compare with #machines * N *2 trials on one machine.) 2) Same as 1), but use spawn(Node,Module,Function,Arguments) to run on each machine individually. The nodes() method shows the names of the nodes that you can use. Spawn two processes on each machine. Do the same time comparisons for fib(30) from Assignment 3. When receiving results from many processes the receive can include a count as in loop(N, Result) -> receive {_, R} when N > 1 -> Next = [R|Result], loop(N-1, Next); {_, R} -> [R|Result] end. which is recursive until all processes have reported.