The midterm is scheduled for Monday, October 23. It will be held in a lab, probably ECS 411. You will need a network connection. You may use a lab computer if you have an account, or a laptop (check if wireless works in that lab.) The exam is open book and you may use any Internet resources incuding the class site. The only prohibition is communicating with other students in any way. Because we have focused on code reading the exam will maintain that focus. The 17 or so questions will each refer to a program. Answers will be written on a paper test booklet. No coding is required but you will be asked questions about the example code. Eight questions will cover the preliminary material, echoed from the 424 site, programs p1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14,16,18,19,20,22,26, and class extension. The remaining questions will be from the 524 programs in the classes, dsl, meta, druby, xmlrpc, and unit folders. Good work will receive an A, acceptable work a B, and deficient work (if any) a C or below.