Using the Beowulf Cluster Connect to then ssh cluster. 'cluster' is the bridge to the cluster. Copy files here from heart. For example if your home directory on heart is /cecs_home/d2/u5/f/myname, it would be /net/d2/u5/f/myname on the cluster. Transfer a file from heart with the command cp /cecs_home/d2/u5/f/myname/file.erl file.erl There is no software on 'cluster'. Use ssh master to connect to the master machine of the Beowulf cluster. The slave nodes are c0, c1, ..., c13. Master and slaves have Erlang installed. To start the cluster and nodes follow the section "Starting Erlang nodes and setting up the Erlang cluster" from the article Starting a Set of Cluster Nodes linked from the course site. That code, cluster.erl, is also linked from the course site. Following this, once on 'master' use erl -rsh ssh -sname master to start Erlang, and cluster:slaves(["c0","c1","c2","c3"]). to start four nodes. The nodes(). command shows that the nodes have names cluster@c0, etc. The multicall command will call a function on a list of nodes. For example rpc:multicall(nodes(), Modname, Functname,[Arglist]). To execute a different function on each node use spawn(Node, Module, Function, Argument List) where Node is the machine name such as 'cluster@c0' (where the single quotes are required).