Lazy Evaluation Understand functions like map, filter, and iterate that return lazy sequences. Be able to use them to compute with lazy sequences. Understand how to use lazy-seq, and issues involving sequence realization and memoization Concurrency Understand Refs, Atoms, Agents, and Vars, the Snake example, and the Ant Colony example. Macros Write a simple macro. Expand macros. Be familiar with the support in Figure 7.1 and the classification in Figure 7.2 Multimethods Be able to define a multimethod and implementations. Use multimethods to create an ad hoc taxonomy. Lancet Understand the Lancet code to instantiate an Ant task with properties included. Undestand how to create a runonce function that takes a function and returns a new function that will run only once. Understand the use of macros to make Lancet easier to use. Underatnd the use of multimethods to make Lancet easier to use.