TENTATIVE Check Later CECS 470 Assignment 5 Integrating Data and Functionality Due May 14 This may be a joint project with a 323 class. A team from that class will join your team either online or in person or both. Some requirements for the database class are: "Your design must support the following functions of the enterprise: * Students can sign up to speak with an advisor. * Students can logon to the website and retrieve their grades for CECS course s taken during the current semester. * Students can logon to the website and signup for membership in any student organization." "Output of the database must support the following queries. You do not need to develop pretty-printed or on-screen reports. That will be done by the web development class. You will run the views/queries in MySQL Query Browser in the lab. o The complete information for each of the degree programs. o Information on each of the faculty members such as interests, contact information and office hours. o The course assignment for each faculty. o List of the labs and the software that is available in each lab. o List of each of the news articles. o Departmental reports of how many students are signed up for each student organization, how many times students have logged in to check their grades." The 323 team should provide you with a script which you can run to create their database. You will use PHP to enhance your college site. If you are not doing a CECS department just use what you get. In any case, if the data you get conflicts with something you have already done which you prefer not to change you can use separate pages for the new material, but integrate the style just as if it were part of your overall design. The 323 team will provide you with their data by May 7. But by working with them during development yu will know what to expect and can be designing and implementing your views. 50 points