CECS 470 Assignment 4 Developing a Dynamic Site using PHP and MySQL Due April 21 This is a learning exercise in PHP and MySQL so it does not have to be integrated into Assignment 3. Keep the same group from Assignment 3. Create a PHP page which is a form which is a survey for the student to complete. Include text name text email address radio gender radio year in school menu (select) list of majors checkbox programming languages used submit The form must be accessible, of course and XHTML and CSS must validate. Validate the form fields on the server. No fields may be empty. Use a regular expression to validate the email address. Post to the same form so any error message will appear with the form. Make sure the data entered correctly is still filled in so the user will not have to re-enter it just to correct an error. Store the survey input in a database. Do not save totals. When the user submits a valid form, then display the cumulative results of the survey in several tables -- Gender, Class, Majors and Languages. For example give the total number of females and males in one table, the numbers of freshmen, etc. in another and so on. The tables must be accessible, of course. 45 points Meets Requirements 5 Valid XHTML and CSS 5 Accessible forms and tables 10 PHP and MySQL 10 PHP Validation 10 Form keeps data on error 5