CECS 455 Project 4 Due Tu 4-20 Druid -- Add States, Sound, and Lighting Add the state framework from the text Chapter 17. The Game1 starting program just sets up the TitleIntroState so the playing code from Project 3 needs to be moved to the PlayingState. The BaseGameState has a reference to Game1 which you can use to get access the graphics object in PlayingState. It also has a reference to Content. Change the screens to reflect Druid. Make a title screen and include a choice for instruction on game play on the start menu state. Use the won, lost, and any other states that are useful. Because the program draws both 2D and 3D you need to add GraphicsDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = true; GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false; GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaTestEnable = false; in the Draw method. For sounds you may use the .wav files included in Chapter 7 of the text. We do not need to use the XACT tool. The SoundEffect class has a method to play a WAVE file. Use one sound when the blue player moves and a different one when the green player moves. The MediaPlayer class has methods for playing a Song which can be an MP3. But only use a small file or use a tool like Audacity to clip a piece from a larger MP3. The IsRepeating flag may be set so the MP3 will repeat. Play something when the title screen appears and stop it when the state changes. Add sounds for winning and losing. Try adding some lighting.