Drawing Graphics

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Free 3D Models

More 3D Models

3D Models

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Drawing and Modeling Tools

GIMP for Windows


A Guide to Using Paint.NET

Tile Studio

Mod Tool

Blender open source graphics creation

Using Blender to Make Game Models Part 1

Introducing the Blender 3D Modeling Environment (6 Videos)

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

Step by step tutorial for displaying models in XNA using Google Sketch-Up and Blender

An Engineers Guide to Blender

Photorealistic scenery rendering software

Height Map Editor

MilkShape 3D Modeling

fragMOTION 3D modeller

Illuminating Shaders: Getting Started Developing Pixel Shaders for Lighting

Video -- Getting Started With Custom Shaders

FX Composer (for shaders)

Conversion Tools

Convert 3ds format to .x  For text output invoke conv3ds -x filename

FBX Converter   Convert from 3ds format to fbx