Index of Ruby Programs

p1.rb Top-level sequence of expressions
p2.rb Top-level method
p3.rb Method returns value of last statement
p4.rb Top-level methods and variables in Object
p4-5.rb Inheritance
p5.rb Ruby is dynamically typed
p6.rb Modules
p7.rb Using a module Stuff
p8.rb Kernel module methods
p9.rb More Kernel module methods
p10.rb numeric types
p11.rb String
p12.rb class definition
p13.rb class attributes
p14.rb control structures
p15.rb Array
p16.rb Hash and Range
p16a.rb Array and output
p17.rb Regexp
p18.rb blocks and iterators
p19.rb method parameters and Proc objects
p20.rb IO, (uses an image)
p21.rb exceptions
p22.rb duck typing, uses a data file
p23.rb duck typing checking capabilities
p24.rb tracing execution
p25.rb more tracing
p26.rb reflection
p27.rb more reflection
p28.rb system hooks
Unit Testing
class extension
mod1.rb -- Revision of Ruby Day 3, Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
rubycsv.txt -- needed for mod1.rb