CECS 424 Final Study Guide Spring 2008 (Preliminary) C# 3.0 C# 3.0 Language Enhancements Hands-on Lab Treat Code as Data LINQ LINQ: Language Integrated Query Hands-on Lab LINQ: .NET Language Integrated Query Erlang What's all this fuss about Erlang? Blogs referenced in this article More Erlang Concurrency is Easy Web 2.0 is Shifting Concurrent Programming in Erlang, Part 1 Chapters 1-3 Functional Programming Can Your Programming Language Do This? Functional Programming in Ruby Inside Functional Programming Pure Functional Transformations of XML Objectives: Know how to use the C# 3.0 constructs. Know how to use LINQ for in memory queries, and LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL. Illustrate how C# 3.0 is essential to LINQ. Know how to write recursive functions in Erlang. Solve problems using the Erlang concurrency primitives. Compare and contrast functional and iterative programming regarding appropriateness for concurrent applications. Use functional programing constructs in Ruby, C#, and Erlang.