CECS 424 Assignment 9 Write a Clojure program to determine the word frequencies in emma.txt, the text of the novel Emma by Jane Austen, found on the course site. Write a function with one parameter, the file name whose words we are counting. The slurp function will read the file into a string. Use the Java toLowerCase method to enforce case insensitivity. Use the re-seq function with two arguments, a regular expression [a-zA-Z]+ and the string just created. It will return a lazy sequence with only the characters selected, omitting punctuation, numerals, and whitespace. Use the 'frequencies' function with the first function you wrote to create the hash table of frequencies. Use the sort-by function with the key function 'last' and the '>' operator to sort by frequency from high to low. Use the spit function to output the result to a file. Copy the ten most frequent words, with their frequencies, from the file. The program is about a line long and runs quite quickly.