Index of C# programs

Five programs illustrating inheritance
Two programs illustrating namespaces
Five programs illustrating interfaces
Format Numbers
Three programs illustrating properties
A switch statement
Using a Hashtable
Regular expressions
Files and Exceptions
Delegates and events from An Event to Remember and Events Under the Hood, by Eric Gunnerson
.Net C# Delegates and Events
Delegates and events
Model View Controller (MVC) Using C#, Delegates and Events in .NET
Events in a GUI
Anonymous methods from Don Box'blog
C# 1.0 iterator
Iterators from Don Box's blog
Programs illustrating iterators and generics
Using attributes, online source
C# 3.0 features
C# 3.0 Hands-on Lab Exercises
LINQ Hands-on Lab Exercises Part 1
LINQ Hands-on Lab Exercises Part 2
LINQ Language Integerated Query
more LINQ
Code as Data