The Language Landscape



Ruby Central or Ruby Lang or RubyGarden
Portals for Ruby
Programming Ruby, First Edition
A second edition is available in hard-copy only. Seach Amazon if interested.
Ruby API Documentation
Ruby Cheat Sheet
The Little Book of Ruby
why's (poignant) guide to Ruby
Download Ruby
Choose the Unix-Linux-Mac or the Windows (look for the one-click) version
Or Instant Rails (Windows only) download Ruby and everything needed for Rails minus the IDE that comes with the one-click.
Interviews with Ruby's creator
Four interviews with Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby's creator.
Ruby on Rails
Web-application development
Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revisited, Part 2
Get Part 1 too
Using Ruby on Rails
What is Ruby on Rails
Rolling with Rails for the InstantRails install
Ruby on Rails Manual
Ruby on Rails Rake Tutorial
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Web-building Tutorials
XML Path Language (XPath)
XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
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C# 1.0
Properties, indexers, delegates, events ...
C# 2.0
Adds generics, iterators, anonymous methods, and partial types.
LINQ-Language Integrated Query
Database and XML queries from C#
C# 3.0 Hands-on Labs
LINQ Hands-on Lab
C# 3.0
Extension methods, lambda expressions, type inference, anonymous types and the .NET Language Integrated Query.
Visual C# Express Edition
Confessions of a Used Programming Language Salesman
Comparing LINQ and Its Contemporaries
(Video) Software Composability and the Future of Languages
The Evolution of LINQ And Its Impact On The Design Of C#
Treat Code as Data
LINQ: .NET Language Integrated Query
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Getting Started with Erlang
Erlang Reference Manual
Download Erlang
Concurrent Programming in Erlang, Part I
Erlang for Concurrent Programming
Erlang: A Language for Functional Concurrency
What's all this fuss about Erlang?
Concurrency with Erlang
Erlang for the Practical Man
Erlang for C, C++, and Java Programmers
A fault-tolerant server
Erlang Tutorial
The Free Lunch is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
Erlang and High-Scale System Software
New Facebook Chat Feature Scales to 70 Million Users Using Erlang
A Multi-Core Experiment
Modeling Erlang in the Pi-Calculus
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