ENGR 350 Computers, Ethics, and Society Rubric for Assessing Oral Presentations Students make 5-10 minute presentations. Two parts -- Slides and Speaking Slides Advanced Proficient Nice design. Good use of colors. Cogent text, not too wordy. Excellent grammar and spelling. Covers content well. Appropriate images. Proficient Average design and text. Good grammar and spelling. Covers content well. Partially Proficient Weak content or poorly designed slides. Not Proficient Lacking in both content and design. Speaking Advanced Proficient Speaks clearly, not too fast or too slow. Good posture. Engages audience. Well-prepared. Proficient Minor problem with enunciation, pace, or preparation. Partially Proficient Pace or enunciation causes some difficulty in understanding OR lack of preparation impedes flow. Not Proficient Pace or enunciation causes some difficulty in understanding AND lack of preparation impedes flow.