ENGR 350 Midterm Review (Some items are taken from A Gift of Fire by Sara Baase.) General Ethics Ethics is the study of ________________________. Give two ideas that Kant contributed to ethical theory. What is the difference between rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism? Explain the distinction between the negative and positive right to freedom of speech. Give examples that illustrate the distinction between 'wrong' and 'harm'. Give an example that illustrates the difference between personal preference and ethics. Give examples that illustrate the distinction between 'law' and 'ethics'. Privacy What does the term 'invisible information gathering' mean? Give an example. What does the term 'secondary use' mean? Give an example. What does the term 're-identification' mean? Give an example. Explain the difference between opt-in and opt-out policies for secondary uses of personal information. Describe one way data are collected and/or used (with potential threats to privacy) that was not possible without computers. Give one example where consumer information is collected for marketing purposes, but consumers receive some form of payment for the information. Give one example where personal information is collected for marketing, but most people (whose information is collected) are not aware of it. Give one example of how data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau was used in a way that harmed people. Give two ways that computer technology or software can protect privacy of personal information in databases. Explain the difference between opt-in and opt-out policies for determining whether or not a customer's name and address will be included on mailing lists to be sold to other companies. Some people propose assigning a property right in personal information as a method of protecting privacy. What are two problems with the notion of ownership of personal information? Give one argument for and one argument against a law requiring that each person be assigned a national medical ID number that can be used to access his or her medical records. Describe one difference in point of view between the free-market approach to privacy issues and the consumer protection approach. Describe two tools people can use to protect their privacy on the Web. What are some of the wiretapping capabilities the government requires under the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act? What did the Supreme Court rule in Kyllo v. United States and how does that relate to the Fourth Amendment? What did the Supreme Court rule in Illinois v. Caballes and how does that relate to the Fourth Amendment? Freedom of Speech What is one way that First Amendment protection is weaker for television than for printed material? Beside pornography, what are two kinds of speech or information on the Internet or World Wide Web that generate controversy? Give one criterion used by the Supreme Court in determining if a law restricting speech violates the First Amendment. Give one argument used by the Supreme Court in deciding that the censorship provisions of the Communications Decency Act violated the First Amendment. Give an example from the text of a Web site that could not be accessed when using a filter but was not a pornographic site. Give one example in which the censorship laws of one country affected access to material in another country. Give one argument for and one argument against requiring filter programs on Internet terminals in libraries. Describe any one of the Internet censorship laws. How has the Web affected previously existing regulations about investment newsletters? Explain the distinction between freedom of speech as a negative right (liberty) and freedom of speech as a "positive" right (claim right). An example for each will help. Briefly explain the differences between common carriers, broadcasters, and publishers with respect to freedom of speech and control of content. Intellectual Property What are the four factors to be used by courts in determining when copying copyrighted material is fair use? Give two reasons why software piracy is very high in some countries outside the U.S. Describe two techniques, other than law enforcement, to reduce copyright infringement of copyrighted works on the Internet. Describe two methods for reducing copyright violations (of software or other intellectual property). The methods can be technical, legal, management or marketing policy, etc. Describe two devices or technologies that made copyright infringement much easier than it was before they existed. Tell what kinds of material could be copied more easily with each of them. (Include at least one device or technology that does not involve computers.) Explain one way that copying software for a few friends might help the income of software companies and one way that it might hurt their income. Describe one of the main arguments that supported the court decision against Napster for copyright infringement. Describe one of the main defense arguments in the Napster case. Explain what digital rights management is. Give an example, and give one reason why it is controversial. What are the two main provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act? Summarize the main reasons why the court in the Sony Betamax case ruled that videotaping a movie from television to watch later was not an infringement of copyright. Describe one case in which copyright protection and freedom of speech conflict. Explain the term "free software" (as used by Richard Stallman and the free software movement). Give one advantage of it. Give one disadvantage of it. Explain the term "copyleft" (as used by Richard Stallman and the free software movement). Give one advantage of it. Give one disadvantage of replacing copyright with copyleft. Give an example where a court ordered a Web site to remove links to another site.