Rubric for Ethics: an understanding of one's professional and ethical responsibilities, including the ability to analyze the ethical implications of one's professional work. Advanced Proficient Understands general ethical principles including important distinctions that affect our ethical judgments. Able to identify stakeholders, risks, problems, benefits, and possible actions. Provides detailed analyses referring to professional codes of ethics. Proficient Understands general ethical principles including most important distinctions that affect our ethical judgments. Mostly able to identify stakeholders, risks, problems, benefits, and possible actions. Provides analyses referring to professional codes of ethics. Partially Proficient Knows some ethical principles and some important distinctions that affect our ethical judgments. Incompletely identifies stakeholders, risks, problems, benefits, and possible actions. Analyses weakly supported. Not Proficient Lacks understanding of general ethical principles including most important distinctions that affect our ethical judgments. Rarely able to identify stakeholders, risks, problems, benefits, and possible actions. Mostly unable to provides detailed analyses referring to professional codes of ethics.