Utilitarianism Deontological Ethics

Computer Simulation of a Crash Test
Global Warming Test
Global Warming is 300-Year-Old News
Difusing the Global Warming Time Bomb
An Inconvenient Truth
One Last Chance to Save Mankind

Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system

Can Software Kill You?
"We Did Nothing Wrong"
An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents

Gummi Bears Defeat Fingerprint Sensors

The BitTorrent Effect
BitTorrent (protocol)

Ray Kurzweil: IT Will Be Everthing
Inventor sets his sights on immortality
The Business of Nanotech
The New "Molecular Economy" Why the Future Doesn't Need Us"

The History of Software Patents
One-stop shopping for learning about sopftware patents
Are Software Patents Evil?
The Problem of Software Patents in Standards
Software patent
Software patent debate

Sixth-Sense Technology (video)