CECS 274-3,4 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures Syllabus Fall 2013 Dr. Art Gittleman ECS 534 (562)985-1530 art.gittleman@csulb.edu Office Hours: MW 3-3:30, 6-7pm, Tu 9-9:30 am Course Hours: Sem Code 4982 TuTh 9:30-10:20 VEC 331 Lab Code 4983 TuTh 10:30-11:45 ECS 412 Grading: Exam 1 Thursday, Oct. 3 100 points Exam 2 Thursday, Nov. 7 100 points Final Tuesday, Dec. 17, 10:15-12:15 100 points Computer projects about 200 points due 9-10, 10-8, 10-24, 11-14, 12-10 posted on course site Attendance 50 points I give no make-up exams without a written medical excuse or the equivalent. Late projects are not encouraged, and receive at least a 20% deduction. Cheating: Work is to be your own. Do not show your code or copy others' or copy online code. Ask for help in lab and office hours. The penalty is failure from the course for all students involved. Withdrawal deadline: Friday, November 15 Text: Big Java looseleaf, by Cay Horstmann Course Site: http://www.csulb.edu/~artg/274 Topics: Java classes, Chapters 3, 8, and 12. Recursion, Chapter 13. Data Structures, Chapters 15 and 16 Selected other text sections and supplementary material. Objectives: This course provides the foundation for all other computer science and engineering courses. Classes are a key concept in Java and must be fully understood. Data structures are crucial to every application. The best rogramming will not help if you choose an inefficient data structure and the difference between good and bad is amazing, say between seconds and minutes and hours for large size data. If you expect to be a professional in computer science, computer engineering or a related field you need to build a strong foundation. Computing changes rapidly and you need to enjoy lifelong learning. If this is your calling make the commitment now and start building a strong foundation.