CECS 274 Project 4 As in Project 3, read the text of the novel Emma by Jane Austen and find the most frequently occurring word. Convert to lowercase because we do not want "The" and "the", etc. to be considered different. The program should use the Map interface with the key a String and the value an Integer. The value must be an object and the Integer class wraps an ordinary integer. Use command line arguments in main to pass in an "h" for a HashMap and a "t" for a TreeMap implementation of the Map interface. Eclispse users will have to set the command line parameter from a menu selection. The rest of the code should be the same, so only one program is necessary. If the map already contains the next word then update the count, otherwise enter the word with a count of 1. The word is the key and the count is the value for that word. To find the maximum count you can use the keySet method to return a set of map keys. Use a 'for' loop with the set of map keys to find the maximum. Get the value, and if it's bigger than the current max, update the max and its corresponding word. Time your code (for comparison with other methods). System.currentTimeMillis() returns the current time in milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970 as a value of type long. Get this value at the end of execution and at the beginning and subtract to get the elapsed time. For your test run, output the number of items in the map, the highest freqency word with its frequency, and time taken. emma.txt is on the course site. When developing the program using a small file of a few lines at most and only use Emma when you are satisfied that your program works. Post on Beachboard the code and results.