Rubric 1
Evaluation of Online Course
Zhu, Ph.D.
Roberta McKnight, Ph.D.
Nancy Edwards, M.S.
Faculty Name:_________________________
Instructions: Use the following criteria as a basis for evaluating an online course. Each section has an area following it for the reviewer to comment, with an overall comment section at the end of the form.
i. Indicators:
1. Prerequisites, if any, are clearly stated.
2. Any skills needed are addressed. Students are asked about current proficiencies, especially in regards to computer skill level.
3. Current knowledge level of students is assessed as appropriate for course
i. Indicators:
1. Course goals are clear and appropriate
2. Objectives are clear, behavioral and measurable and are appropriate to course goals
i. Indicators:
1. Utilizes active learning strategies that engage the student and appeal to differing learning styles
2. Learning activities are linked to course objectives
3. Content is organized by modules, units, lessons, or other meaningful architecture
4. Course strives to create a “Community of Learners” through interaction
5. All content adheres to current copyright law.
i. Indicators:
1. Formative evaluation is provided to students through ongoing feedback (emails, Gradebook, announcements, discussion board postings)
2. Summative evaluation is clearly described
3. Evaluations are linked to objectives
4. Rubrics are used for assignments
i. Indicators:
1. Instructor assumes a facilitative role
2. Instructions for assignments are clear
3. Syllabus is online and complete, including course expectations, goals & objectives, grading criteria, course policies
4. Support for student questions is provided (Examples: instructor contact information , FAQ’s, Discussion board for questions)
Reviewer Comments:
i. Indicators:
1. Discussion Boards and/or chat available
2. Group activities
3. Email
4. Orientation to technology is provided
i. Indicators:
1. Instructor conveys policy on answering emails (i.e. how soon students can expect response, etc
2. Instructor communicates how will give feedback, including frequency of feedback on discussion forums, assignments, etc
3. Instructor publishes office hours (virtual or “physical”) and contact information
4. Feedback is evident through announcements, emails, discussion postings, or other means
5. Instructor allows own personality to emerge through postings, notes, and other means
6. Instructor “personalizes” course for students (emails, using name, friendly tone)
i. Indicators:
1. Students receive orientation to practice posting in Discussion forum, submitting to dropbox, taking online exam, and using any other type of technology that will be utilized during the course
2. Resources for completing course activities are provided
Guidelines for posting to discussion board and/or participating in Chat
are provided
i. Indicators:
1. Students are provided the opportunity to collaborate with other students through group work or other means
i. Indicators:
1. All due dates are published with timely reminders
2. Progress through the course is documented
Reviewer Comments:
i. Indicators
1. Course is developed before first class meeting. If this was not possible, should be several weeks ahead of class schedule.
2. Indicate to students general time requirements of course
i. Indicators
1. Units of instruction are organized in a logical, consistent sequence
2. Online Gradebook is used
3. If online testing is used, has detailed instructions as to how it will be administered and the settings that will be in place. If possible, a practice test with the same settings should be given first.
i. Indicators
1. If online testing is used, should not comprise the greater portion of final grade. (Best: treated as “open book”)
2. Evaluation of online participation is described
i. Indicators:
1. Instructor feedback is evident, following the guidelines set by the Instructor
2. Student emails are answered in a timely manner
Reviewer Comments:
i. Indicators:
1. Students are provided information as to where to get technical help
Reviewer Comments:
Overall Reviewer Comments:
Rubric 2
Online Course Evaluation Rubric
Illinois Online Network and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
I. Instructional Design
Instructional design refers to the analysis of learning needs and the systemic approach to developing an online course in a manner that facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills to the learner through the use of a variety of instructional methods, which cater to multiple learning styles, strategies, and preferences.
A. Structure |
1. Sequence |
2. Chunking |
3. Purpose |
B. Learning Goals/ Objectives/Outcomes |
1. Course Goals & Objectives |
2. Module Objectives |
C. Course Information |
1. Description |
2. Instructor Information |
3. Instructional Materials |
4. Credit Hours |
5. Content |
6. Grading Policy |
7. Calendar |
8. Technical Competencies |
9. Technical Requirements |
D. Instructional Strategies |
1. Multimodal Instruction |
2. Knowledge Demonstration |
3. Presentation |
E. Academic Integrity |
1. Course Development |
2. Code of Conduct |
F. Use of Multimedia |
1. Audio |
2. Video |
II. Communication, Interaction, & Collaboration
Communication, Interaction, and Collaboration addresses how the course design, assignments, and technology effectively encourage exchanges amongst the instructor, students, and content.
A. Activities and Opportunities |
1. Student-Student |
2. Student-Instructor |
3. Student-Content |
B. Organization and Management |
1. Types |
2. Organization |
3. Access |
4. Role |
C. Group Work |
1. Task |
2. Formation |
3. Management |
4. Delivery |
III. Student Evaluation and Assessment Student Evaluation and Assessment refers to the process your institution uses to determine student achievement and quality of work including the assigning of grades. |
A. Goals and Objectives |
1. Aligned |
2. Communicated |
B. Strategies |
1. Method |
2. Frequency |
3. Tools |
4. Readiness |
5. Academic Integrity |
C. Grades |
1. Rubric |
2. FERPA |
3. Grading Scale |
4. Penalties |
5. Participation |
6. Extra Credit |
D. Feedback |
1. When |
2. What |
3. How |
E. Management |
1. Time |
2. Deadline |
3. Availability |
4. Retake |
5. Delivery Method |
6. Submit |
IV. Learner Support & Resources
Learner Support and Resources refers to program, academic, and/or technical resources available to learners.. Institutional/Program Support and Resources |
1. Policies |
2. CMS Support |
3. Technical Support |
4. ADA Support |
B. Academic Support and Resources |
1. Glossary |
2. Orientation |
3. Resources |
4. Gradebook |
V. Web Design
Web design refers to the use of Web pages, graphics, multimedia, and accessibility standards in the web pages of a course under the course developer’s control.
A. Layout/Design |
1. Scrolling |
2. Consistency |
3. Fonts |
4. Pop-up Windows |
5. Frames |
B. Use of Multimedia |
1. Technical Requirements |
2. Audio Standards |
3. Video Standards |
C. Use of Images |
1. Image Quality |
2. Image File Size |
3. Animation of Images |
D. Links/Navigation |
1. Consistency |
2. Hyperlink Identity |
3. Hyperlink Function |
4. Hyperlink Target |
E. Accessibility |
1. Section 502(B) |
VI. Course Evaluation
Course Evaluation refers to the processes and mechanisms used to elicit feedback from learners for the purpose of course improvement.
A. Layout/Design |
1. Physical Course |
2. Instruction |
3. Content |